The way I understand this is that not only will you be a criminal if you post the video that has copyright infringement (which is easier than you think... for instance if Katy Perry's song is playing in the back ground... bam! Copyright Infringement. It is an extensive web.) on YouTube, you will be prosecuted if you embed the video, if more than 10 people view the video, and pretty soon if you share a link to someone else's site.
So, this pretty much means- shutting down the internet. Clever. The legislation is crafted to again- pretend it is designed for protection, but ultimately constrains the public from sharing information.
This means if I find an interesting article or video I can't share it. This will definitely benefit the government mob because showing TSA harassment or police brutality through personal video will be illegal. This has been a thorn in their side for a while and they finally got tricky enough to make it illegal.
In today's world- there is something copyrighted everywhere we look. Even the words we speak have ownership. Are we now going to jail for saying Paris Hilton's very own personal term "Hott"?
Embedding YouTube Videos May Soon Be a Felony
Kurt Nimmo
June 2, 2011
Kurt Nimmo
June 2, 2011
Techdirt reports that Senate bill 978 – a bill to amend the criminal penalty provision for criminal infringement of a copyright, and for other purposes – may be used to prosecute people for embedding YouTube videos.
According to Mark Masnick, if a website embeds a YouTube video that is determined to have infringed on copyright and more than 10 people view it on that website, the owner or others associated with the website could face up to five years in prison.
Read Masnick’s article here. He explains how the new law would expand copyright violations from reproducing and distributing to performing – including streaming video over the internet.
As readers of know, many videos are removed from YouTube after copyright owners complain about infringement. This happens with thousands of news clips every year. Most people are familiar with the now common black box replacing a video that says the video has been removed for copyright reasons.
If enacted, this law will go one step further and turn people who embed a copyrighted video into criminals. It will also set the stage to criminalize linking to copyrighted information — like corporate media news sources — and shut down the alternative media.
It will also make people think twice about putting up all kinds of videos, from news reports to clips from documentaries and other educational material.
It does not take a vivid imagination to realize the political implications of this legislation.
So, here is another example of harassment that makes my blood boil:
I really don't understand why we aren't, as a nation, protesting this. Why? This is happening EVERYWHERE now. You don't have to surf the internet very long to find girls being punched by cops, unprovoked brutality, and now "legal" sexual harassment in airports. These officers, like the ones in this video, make me sick. They are no better than the brown shirts... ready and eager to show their authority over citizens in any way they can. "Show me your I.D." They demand it. What if he didn't have any? Because this isn't the Soviet Union, right? Right? You don't HAVE to carry identification cards with you when you step out of the house, right? Looks like "ever since 9/11 things have changed!" Point proven. The patriot act they point to as their reason to detain this guy for taking a photo is in no way a patriotic thing. Are you a patriot? To whom? Our citizens? Or our system?
I want Congress to answer for this kind of criminality going on everywhere. Why the hell aren't they doing something about it? Unless they are encouraging this, they should be defending our rights as FREE Americans.
Free went out the window.
Vote for Ron Paul. He is the only one defending us.
I really don't understand why we aren't, as a nation, protesting this. Why? This is happening EVERYWHERE now. You don't have to surf the internet very long to find girls being punched by cops, unprovoked brutality, and now "legal" sexual harassment in airports. These officers, like the ones in this video, make me sick. They are no better than the brown shirts... ready and eager to show their authority over citizens in any way they can. "Show me your I.D." They demand it. What if he didn't have any? Because this isn't the Soviet Union, right? Right? You don't HAVE to carry identification cards with you when you step out of the house, right? Looks like "ever since 9/11 things have changed!" Point proven. The patriot act they point to as their reason to detain this guy for taking a photo is in no way a patriotic thing. Are you a patriot? To whom? Our citizens? Or our system?
I want Congress to answer for this kind of criminality going on everywhere. Why the hell aren't they doing something about it? Unless they are encouraging this, they should be defending our rights as FREE Americans.
Free went out the window.
Vote for Ron Paul. He is the only one defending us.
congress IS doing something about it; passing laws to enslave us further. the reason government, anywhere and at all times, exists is to transfer wealth and power from legitimate society to the political elite.
i don't care what laws they pass. i'm going to do whatever i want as long as it doesn't violate the non-aggression principle and whoever wants to stop me should bring weapons. we all have to draw the line somewhere. at what point do the conditions of one's enslavement surpass the fear of rebellion? for me, it was a while back. civil disobedience and agorism have become a way of life.
there is no "government", there are only people who respect the person and property of others and people who don't. pomp, titles and claims to authority are meaningless.
omg! Finally a comment about it!! :)
I feel like the question you posed is one of the most repeated questions people ask throughout history.
I especially like: " there are only people who respect the person and property of others and people who don't." If we could all make it that simple... solution.
there is a solution, imo, but it won't be fast acting. what it will do is free those who act on it. we can't necessarily free anyone else, but we can free ourselves:
pardon me posting a blog link on your blog, but it's easier that way.
That's ok. I've checked it out before. I'll post it in the sidebar.
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