Thursday, April 7, 2011

Taking a two song-ond break.

Break time.

I have one beloved itunes playlist that starts with Fall At Your Feet, Acoustic, James Blunt version.  I was looking for a video to link, but none are great, so I'm just going to say "look that one up and listen."  It's a go-to song for me and you all may enjoy it too. 

In keeping with the mood and intention, I picked another James Blunt song that stays out front in the race to favorite.  I found this live performance in France and appreciated it.  It has some extreme close-ups and wild eyes, but the lyrics are exceptional and the setting is great.  He is an artist.
(Super-close-ups are common lately!  Whether watching this or The Lincoln Lawyer, as I did last night, or watching the next video by James Morrison note how extreme the close ups are.  Also note that when watching Matthew McConaughey extreme close ups are welcome.  Let's talk about that movie later!)

Here is I Really Want You, James Blunt, Live from France:

Now, here is the SOC snippet that I wrote earlier this morning and mentioned in the last post and a video of another song that fits its topic. This is not an edited piece of work, it is just what I dumped on the page this morning.
...and it is not personal.  

Between you and me, there is a long line of disconnect.  Open circuits forming a line of nothing being transferred from your mind to mine.  Blankly we stare into one another's eyes and we see nothing.  We look for what we want to see and it isn't there, doesn't exist. We can't complain. What did we expect?  Person to person, you to me and me to you- we confuse.  Hope for common ground or common interests at least?  But, there is nothing common about a human being and there are no grounds to walk with another in the space between us.  Should we stay and try?  Should we remain?  A promise is a sacred thing- but happiness is the divine.  We face the day of decision with tears in our empty eyes.
This is why it happens.
Turn- and walk away.

I thought of a song that goes:

The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore, James Morrison

I'm going back to "work" now.  Watch The Lincoln Lawyer so we can discuss!

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