The weather is foreboding outside my windows. Remembering the videos I saw of mile-wide tornadoes in Alabama makes it so. Wind is whipping and the branches are bending. There is lots of howling going on on the other side of the window pane.
I have two cravings lately. The first is for cauliflower. It's on my mind. I should probably just give it to myself... but that would mean I had to go into the market here... which is a Food Lion... and images of employees bleaching meat in the back have recently re-emerged. When was that expose? The 1990s? Yuck. So, I have been holding out on purchasing food. I have a stocked pantry and fridge/freezer. That will do.
The other craving is Maroon 5. I have been waking up to them lately. Particularly 'Never Gonna Leave This Bed'. And that is pretty funny because it makes me want to stay in the bed and never leave the bed. I like the bed. I am not one of those people that have an issue with sleeping, falling asleep, sitting still, napping... I can do it! And I love doing it! I like wrapping up in the cool sheets and letting my body heat warm them to form a cozy cocoon. I like the air in the room to be chilly so I feel even more snugly and special in my warm space beneath the fluffiness my duvet creates. I am not an adrenaline junkie. I like to sit still and absorb thoughts. I like observing art. I especially like observing exceptional art and performances.. like Black Swan, which I just watched the other day and am still enjoying the thought of it. I love it. It was a simple story that was turned into just what human beings are... complex, mental, emotional creatures that have the ability of creating something gloriously beautiful while they, at the same time, eff everything in their life up!
(When I write eff that is a stand-in for a cuss word that I'm sure you can figure out and probably use. I am using the substitute because I realize that not everyone lives with an Italian. In our house that word is like a term of affection. "Get the eff outta here!!" "What the eff is that?" You see, this word makes those sentences sweeter somehow in this house. If they are left out then that means to take the tone seriously and one of us is probably mad. You should hear Nick's older brother that looks and acts totally Hollywood or Rocker. He could probably do anything and pull it off, but he cusses almost every other word... and it sounds fabulous and hysterical.)
Back to subject... My favorite type of movie is something that challenges me to think from my seat and sweeps me into the plot on screen at the same time. I like to be engaged and to watch an interactive film. To watch just entertainment can be okay, but it is boring mostly. If I want to laugh it can be refreshing to relax and let someone else do all the thinking... no that's a lie. I hate that. I hate stupid comedy. I actually hate class clowns and people that MUST be funny at all times because they depend on the laugh they get in return. I hate feeling obliged to laugh at their joke (or sarcasm) that isn't funny, but I must "ha,ha,ha" anyway to fill that awkward void hanging in the air between bodies. As far as professionals go- Jim Carey is the most confusing to me. I can laugh so hard at him or be really annoyed by how silly and forced he's acting. My favorite types of funny are... situational (Ben Stiller is so great at this. He gets himself into such uncomfortable situations that I have to make myself NOT leave the room because I can't bare to see the embarrassment on screen! Love that.) or witty (Comments that are snappy and require a thinking, sharp individual to produce them. Ya know, not just a fart. Please quit writing farts for laughs unless it's an out-of-this-world crazy place and time to fart. I do hate the word fart. But, that's the way it is written to be funny because it's crude and crude gets laughs, right? I prefer toot. It's much cuter and is the only acceptable version of the word when describing little girl toddlers who produce such. I think Vince Vaughn can be very witty. And he talks so fast and has that quirky laugh that cracks me up.) or dark (I like dry and dark funny people. I'm at a blank here for a really good example but I guess I'll throw in John Malkovich or Kevin Spacey. They are funny and can be very dark, even sinister, while they make you giggle.) humor. I guess that says a lot about my personality. For instance, in movie theaters I laugh at off-beats. My dad says I always have, even when little. I used to laugh at strange things and it was noticeable because the theater was so quiet and there was my laugh... alone in the darkness. But, every single time, my dad's laugh followed mine. Because, he thought it was funny that I thought something was funny and was laughing when no one else was. So he laughed at that. I did that the other day when watching The Tourist with friends. All the Russian gangsters hit the floor, shot dead in slow motion through huge glass windows from an across-the-street stake out. And standing very beautifully, unscathed and in love are Angelina and Johnny. Hahaha. That's so funny. It was mostly the way it was shot. It was so over the top dramatic and of course we know how it's going to play out so I thought the director was attempting to make it sort-of comedic. It was a comedy, right? ;) I think I've already written that. It wasn't long ago so it's fresh on my mind.
Oh my gosh, do you know what other thing is blistering me when watching movies and television. It is the dumbed-down, obvious, cliche' lines writers insert to make some political point about their opposing party. Give us all a break! Please! We're begging. I mean, these are mostly liberal/Democratic jabs at the conservative/Republican party. We all get that. But, really, when one character describes a generous act of kindness from Joe-Blow and the other character says "But, he's a Republican!" with astonishment... or the villan is always a Republican, or Bree from Desperate Housewives doesn't even like to have sex... why? Oh, yeh, because "I'm a Republican!! Gasp!". Boring. Writers, heads up, this tactic is boring the EFF out of America. Especially the ones I know. It has worked before, that's why it keeps on coming, episode after episode after episode. Unfortunately celebrity and Hollywood is so craved that America doesn't draw the line between Smoke and Mirrors Bullshit and Real Life Importance. Wanna be cool? Be a Democrat. Wanna be a dud? Be a Republican. Or visa versa. Are you cooky? You must be a Democrat. Are you sensible? You must be a Republican. It's so absurd. But here's my chance to voice my opinion. "Eh, hem... America (especially the Americans I know) is sick of the Party Food Fight in the cafeteria of the Political Elementary School you all attend! The I'm a Republican/ I'm a Democrat game is OLD. You are both the exact same asshole. What has ever really changed with either of you. You have both royally EFFED up our country. I vote you all out. Get out. Gosh, I wish I made the rules for a day. I'd elect Ron Paul and we may have a chance to survive this mess these old geezers have created for us. At this point I feel that if we do not elect Ron Paul- a representative that actually reads, and follows the Constitution (what a concept!)- we get what we deserve. And that will be a whole bunch of ugliness. For instance, if this country was as infatuated with a looker and an orator back in the day as we are now... Thomas Jefferson would never have been elected to much of anything. Why? Because he didn't like speaking. He was a thinker, not merely a speaker (or reader). I want America to quit blinking and breathing and remaining oblivious to a lot of news that is in our face (like the dollar- it's collapsing) and elect an actual person who is consistent, who is not a hypocrite (a Washington rarity) and who doesn't make up all the ideas as he goes. Instead, he reads the Constitution. If you vote according to Hannity... I feel sorry for us all. He can't even win a debate on his own show. He repeats himself like a parrot. "Here's my 1,2,3 points I say over and over as I count them on my 1,2,3 fingers! Then I throw a Nerf ball off stage like a dork!" I'd put up with that ridiculous sign off he was even half-way worth listening to. But, I gag when I hear him now. And that's all over FOX. And CNN too. Has beens. It's been revealed that baby-boomers may be hanging on to their news channels, but the new generations have caught on. We get that you are big corporations. We get that you are a business. You have an agenda. You are not the NEWS. We go to other reliable and unbiased sources. (I'd be happy to suggest some if anyone is interested.) Ask around. Ask a thirty-something if they believe an ounce of what CNN or Fox reports. Nada. That will be the answer. Thank God for that.
I'm typically tolerant and don't push my "Vote for..." on anybody. But, I'm over that. I'm screaming it this time around. There are a lot of people that don't like to look stuff up, and instead of hoping they do, I'm going to say what I think to them. Maybe, just maybe, they want to hear it. We are at the point as a nation where we can't afford to make mistakes.
Fox will bash Ron Paul because he's not a Fascist and CNN will bash Ron Paul because he's not a Communist. And that's why I like him. He's what we're supposed to be as Americans- a follower of our Constitution.
And quite frankly- neither children, excuse me, neither Republicans nor Democrats have a solid, substantial, sensible argument against him. Why? Because he follows our Constitution and doesn't act as dictator, making rules up as he goes and having us all pay the price for it.
Do you know what Bush said about the Constitution? That it was "just a piece of paper." All of you Bush lovers hate me right now. But, he did his part to ruin this country and take our liberties and he made everyone think it was for their own good. He made everyone think being a Patriot is to give away your freedom. (And Obama is on the same track. He's made absolutely nothing better. Has he? What can anybody think of that is a truth and not a lie or a skewed statistic politically implanted to mislead? Obama is Bush on steroids. They both are on a fast track of "Crash and Burn America".)
"If freedom means not having liberties, then I'm okay with that." That's an actual comment from a stupid by-stander who drank the Kool-Aid. Isn't it amazing how propoganda works? Well, I'm not cool with that. I'm not cool with many, many things that the Patriot Act makes law & strips from Americans. Thomas Jefferson would fight these Patriot Act-pushers. He would. No doubt. He would fight the Federal Reserve and he would fight the Patriot Act. And Thomas Jefferson is, well, probably this country's hero if we had to name one person. I'm sick of losers off the street, unqualified individuals, becoming TSA officers and reserving the right to fondle Americans or view them completely naked... meanwhile the machine used is not effective at what it is proclaimed to do. (Maybe we should follow that money trail too... you guessed it! Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of Homeland Security and co-author of the Patriot Act and an advocate for body scanners. Not only was he an advocate for them, he purchased them while in his position. Now guess who gets paid for them. Drum Roll... Michael Chertoff!! Rapid Scan Systems is a client of his consulting firm, The Chertoff Group. Lined pockets my friends. That is what 'We the People' really means- 'Line my Pockets'.) That is not acceptable. I'm not cool with the government's ability to track my every call, text, email, location from my cell phone and it remain stored for them to tap into at any time they choose. I am not cool with the new questions they are asking "the selected Americans" when passports are requested. I am not lying to you... one of them is "Are you circumcised?"... Is that okay with you all? Or is it okay with you if it doesn't affect you directly at the moment? Is it okay with you if get to keep watching American Idol and slurping on aspartame (another scam that was illegal until Donald Rumsfeld pushed it through to line his own pockets)? Because if it was you or your kid, my bet is on it NOT being cool with you. The list of examples of jaw-dropping laws goes on and on. It is probably why my muscles are in knots. I read these FACTS that most Americans don't have a clue about (because CNN or FOX didn't feature them) and get super-duper tense.
I am going to sum it up and not take this to a new level with a rant-a-thon.
Vote Ron Paul.
In baby boomer lingo "He's a Patriot."
In thirty-something lingo "He's the only one who's saving your ass from absolute disaster."
In I-am-just-legal-to-vote lingo "He's the shizit."
Speaking of shizit...
I have realized a new personal protection device and strategy. As I walk my 3 dogs I often daydream. Recently, I thought about what would happen to an attacker if they approached me. I thought, My dogs would be a deterrent. China will scream and probably bite them. Selma can do whatever she wants to them because she's a massive muscle and I hope she would choose to eat them. And Honey Te'a would chase them and it would be her choice if she caught them or not because she is quick like lightning. And me? What would I do? It's genius really. I am a responsible dog-owner which means I have about two pounds of dog dung in a plastic bag, knotted and hanging from my hand until I reach a trash can (And there's always more where that came from! I have three producers.). I bet it would be a surprise to any ill-intender if I slung it around old-lady-bag style and whacked them right in the face with it. It's such a positive to a negative thing. Two negative things: the ill-intender and the poop I have to tote. Think about it... squished poop on the face... the smell alone would stop them in their tracks. I am packin' heat and didn't even know it!!
Oh my gosh, I have to go, I've been at this too long. I'm sure there is more to say, like to figure out who made up the word shizit... was it Snoop? Mr. Snoop Doggie Dogg. Smooooth talkin' Snoop. Ugh, I'm delirious all of a sudden.
I'm going to go eat some gnocchi and relax from the political frustration I have induced on myself. You'll hear from me though. Because earlier in the week I was reminded of some great Thomas Jefferson quotes and I thought that I would post them every now and then. They are interesting and I love Thomas Jefferson. I do.
Oh, I promised a friend I'd keep up the chat about music. Lately, I have listened to this song repeatedly 'Big Jet Plane' (acoustic) by Angus and Julia Stone. It is lovely. Here it is. I am including my favorite version, the acoustic version, first and then the official music video next.
Official Video
And Nick gave me a nice surprise after I kept the boutique on Tuesday. I came home and he had dinner ready and Jane's Addiction playing. There was some head banging at our table. Revisit Jane's Addiction if you haven't listened to them lately. Here's one I really like- "Stop". And I LOVED Nick's performance of it complete with the Spanish introduction. To me, he is ultra sexy when speaking languages I don't know. Especially while I eat pasta he made for me.
Click on it... I had issues...
Tornado warnings here... gotta go.