1. to satisfy fully
2. to load to capacity
3. to cause to combine until there is no further tendency to combine
I will be filling myself to capacity, for sure, and focusing on the combining of good and bad, and also being thoroughly satisfied as I do it!
Perfect choice of a word.
Wanda, because you wanted to know... (which I am very thankful for.)
Do you wish to go to the brink and turn back and see?
What is there are the things why where you are can be.
Where is there but in between and nowhere to go?
The choice is now repeating or trusting what's below.
Do you go to the brink and have the urge to step?
What will be below except self's choice of depth or death?
Or, do you resist the urge to fall and choose not to know?
Can you trust your mind's corners that block your free thought's flow?
If crazy is as crazy does then what would you do?
Believe the walls or risk it all and wager life on you?
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