Thursday, August 21, 2014

View from the window - The drive through Croatia.

(This was back on Monday, August 4th) 

Here's a peek through the window. This is the view as we made our way from Austria to Montenegro. I won't claim to have captured it. There's only so much a sleepy head can do working with a window pane and speed. 

I fell asleep for about an hour. I couldn't keep my head up.
When I did wake, and was able to manage using my neck, Nick introduced me
to Eastern Europe with full blast techno. I think this caused my brain to stall.
The car had a dvd player and dvd music videos.
Guess what was included as a cruel prank- What Does The Fox Say?
It takes so long to get that song off replay in my head! I still hear it at times. 

It was a very green view for the first portion of the trip.

It becomes a rocky view suddenly. It's like a set change minus the velvet curtain. 

Pleasant roads to travel. 
That's such a fantastic mountain. I feel as if it will jump like a frog. 
That is nearly a frog's symmetry and those lower humps are very similar 
to hind legs. I animate practically everything. 

This photo was taken from fast motion. Super proud that it turned out. 
These roadside produce stands were so refreshing to my eyes. 
There were many of them. They perched among cliffs 
and banked by rivers. Vibrant!

Enter: Water! Another beautiful contrast. 

Croatia's coast.

Maybe you can see some topography here. 
In actuality, the earth bends a curves and plunges into the sea 
and then peaks above into islands like the humpback of a whale. 
There is a lot of motion and dimension in the space.

(around the same spot as the one above)

Looks fertile. 

Many, many islands along Croatia's coast. 

Life along the water's edge.

Bosnia's smaller strip of coast. 

I was happy to be viewing and not driving.
Hopscotch islands for days....

From the car seat of Beth and China! xo!

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